
1. Audit
204501 Strategic Information Technology Management

Prerequisite : None

Information technology in an organization; data management; network system; electronic and mobile commerce; organizational management; enterprise system; international organization; knowledge management; intelligent business; intelligent system strategies and economics of information technology; acquisition of information technology; security and trends of information technology; case studies of information technology used in organizations.

204507  Information System Analysis, Design, and Development

Prerequisite : None

Components and concepts in information system development; participants in systems development; management of system development projects; system modeling; process model; data model; object-oriented analysis and design; tools for system modeling; system development life cycle; system development and implementation in information work.

204508   Database Technology

Prerequisite : None

Database architecture; concepts and theories in database management; relational database; relational database model; logical database design with normalization; physical database design; database applications in information work; languages in data query and management; transaction management; database security; knowledge discovery in database and related research.

204509  Web Science

Prerequisite : None

Web concepts and evolution in information and social dimensions; components, architecture and technology of web application development; web mining; Web 2.0; semantic web; web services; effects of Web on society and culture; current and future research for the web.

204510  Research Methods and Statistics for Information Technology and Communication
Prerequisite : None

Research definition and methodology; qualitative research; quantitative research; research procedure and design; techniques in research instrument construction and data collection; statistics for quantitative research; using statistical software for analyzing statistical data; data analysis, interpretation, and presentation; writing and evaluating research proposals and research articles; academic and research ethics and code of conduct; overview of research on information technology and information systems, digital media, enterprise system, learning organization and knowledge management.

204511 Network Management and Security
Prerequisite : None

Development of telecommunication and network; network models; communication media; protocols in OSI and TCP/IP models; IP subnetting; network management; problems and threats in network systems; tools for network system security and control: Symmetric key cryptography, asymmetric key cryptography, integrity, authentication and key management; related laws and ethics; trends and applications in network and security.

204512   Master Degree Seminar  

Prerequisite : None               

Discussion and analysis of the issues related to learning organization and knowledge management; enterprise systems; digital media; lectures from professionals on the selected topics; lectures and discussions by participants.
1.Electives subject
- Digital Media Cluster

204611  Graphic Design

Prerequisite : None       

Graphic design technology; characteristics of media; objectives and audience of graphic design; design elements; arts and principles of design; color theory; semiotics in graphic design; design techniques; graphic design principles for typographics, logos, and symbols; graphic design for printed media; graphic design for electronic media and new media.

204612   Human-Computer Interaction

Prerequisite : None

Concepts and importance of human-computer interaction; computer-mediated communication; models of interaction between humans and computers; human factors; cognitive models of human-computer interaction; usability of human-computer interaction; interaction design; issues concerning human-computer interaction; trends of human-computer interaction.

204613   E-learning

Prerequisite : None

Application and development in technology and the Internet for learning; learning theory and practice in e-learning; concepts for self-learning course construction; principles, methods and techniques for e-learning; tools and technologies for e-learning; the use of application package to create e-courses; e-learning in organization; assessment and evaluation; trends of e-learning.

204614 Animation    

Prerequisite : None           

Development and technology in computer animation; concepts of animation, the art of storytelling and storyboarding; techniques and stages of creating computer animation; implementing sounds and special effects for animation; animation application in movies and television; animated movies; animation for multimedia and new media; roles and effects of animation; morals and ethics concerning animation; trends of animation.

204615 Computer Game and Simulation  

Prerequisite : None

Computer game development technology; types of computer games and storytelling; 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional computer games and simulations; object creation and management; area, space, and environment creation; computer interactive game programming; artificial intelligence in computer games; sounds for computer games; virtual reality in computer games; roles and effects of simulation and computer games; interactivity between humans and computer games, and individuality; trends of computer games.

204617  Special Effects        

Prerequisite : None                                             

Development of special effects and their technology; importance of special effects in mass communication; special effects of images and motions; advanced image processing; special effects for animation; sound effects for films, television, videos, and new media; special effects in images for films, television, videos, and new media; special effects and virtual reality; roles and effects of special effects on electronic media; roles and effects of special effects on audiences; trends of special effects.

204618   Digital Media Theory       

Prerequisite : None                                                      

Concepts and theories related to digital media in social and cultural perspectives: Digital/virtual communities, digital social networks, and cyberculture; digital media structures and institutions; digital media content: Semiotics and postmodernism; critical theory in digital media; audiences and effects of digital media; morals and ethics of digital media.

- Enterprise System Cluster

204621  Business Process Design  

Prerequisite : None

Organization and management; business plan; key business operation analysis and design; customer service and customer relations management; modern manufacturing process and logistics; cost cutting; reengineering and change management; technology in business process design; case studies of business process design in various business areas.

204623  E-business    

Prerequisite : None

Scope and types of electronic-business (e-business); business foundation and business functions: Economics; industries; marketing; business strategies; e-business infrastructure; electronic commerce (e-commerce); e-commerce models; online transactions; electronic data interchange (EDI); supply chain management (SCM); enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM) government policy and laws for domestic and international e-business privacy, reliability and security in e-business; digital signature.

204624 Building Enterprise-Wide Systems    

Prerequisite : None

Enterprise information system integration; web services; enterprise resource planning (ERP): Inventory management, demand and supply management, production supply and service capacity management, human resource management in production and service; just-in-time and real time production; enterprise resource planning system; implementing ERP by using SAP; ERP examples and case studies; effects of information system integration on organizations, communities and society; corporate social responsibility.

204625   E-logistics  

Prerequisite : None

Green supply chain management (GSCM); procurement; inventory and warehouse management; product transportation and distribution management; delivery; return policy and customer care; technology in logistic decisions and logistic management; logistic case studies; logistics for e-business and e-commerce; international trade and logistics.

204627   Multinational Enterprise 

Prerequisite : None     

Globalization and world economics; international trade theory and international business; theories of multinational enterprise; international investment; multinational enterprise financial management; taxation, intellectual properties and other related laws in multinational enterprise; multinational enterprise strategic management; negotiation and dispute settlement with the state; local culture and multinational enterprise.

204628   Information Technology Project Management

Prerequisite : None

Project management as an effective tool in strategic management; information technology project management framework from before initiatingthe project  until the project’s end, focusing on evaluation of project possibility, planning, executing and controlling; project management in different areas, such as project integration, project scope management, time management, cost management, quality management, human resource management, communication management, risk management, and procurement management; issues in information technology project management;  use of technology in information technology project management and project presentation.

204629  Enterprise Software 

Prerequisite : None

Concepts and related research in enterprise software: Enterprise software architecture; software development process, life cycles and strategies of software development; software analysis and design; software development; software validation and verification; tools for software analysis, design development and testing; user interface technologies; software project management.

- Knowledge Management Cluster

204631   Knowledge for Development

Prerequisite : None

Knowledge as resources and assets for humans, organizations, the economy, society, and national development; knowledge-based society and knowledge-based economy development; knowledge management in various contexts; barriers to knowledge management; significant managerial issues, legalitics, and ethics for knowledge management.

204632  Learning Organization Systems

Prerequisite : None

Organizational patterns in the 21st Century; significant attributes of learning organization; learning organization models; learning organization infrastructures, i.e., organization, people, knowledge, and technology; case studies of learning organization in various sectors.

204633     Knowledge Profile Elements

Prerequisite : None                                                   

Nature and location of knowledge capital; organization memory, human thinking and learning styles; organizational learning models; knowledge management elements; models of knowledge management process; thinking tools; wisdom management.

204634   Building and Managing Knowledge Profile

Prerequisite : None

Knowledge management systems; knowledge management system life cycle (KMSLC); knowledge building; knowledge capture and acquisition; knowledge classification and organization; knowledge storage and access mechanisms; knowledge codification and system implementation; knowledge transfer and sharing; enhancing the effectiveness of knowledge management system.

204635   Knowledge Management: Tools and Technology   

Prerequisite : None

Knowledge management tools, techniques and technologies in management, access and transfer of individual and organizational knowledge capital; knowledge portal technologies; artificial intelligence technologies; intelligent agent technology; selection and evaluation criteria of knowledge management tools; innovations of knowledge management.

204636   Strategic Knowledge Management  

Prerequisite : None

Knowledge as a strategic asset; organizational enablers for managing and sharing knowledge; strategies for knowledge management initiatives; strategic issues for creation, sharing, and using knowledge to achieve goals at both  group and organizational levels; transition to the learning organization; knowledge centers; experiences  and cases of knowledge management strategies in a wide range of organization.

204637   Knowledge-based Economy

Prerequisite : None

Knowledge as the key driver of a new economy; transitioning to a knowledge-based economy: Major factors, with cases at a nationwide level;knowledge-based economies: Knowledge investment and production, knowledge dissemination and use, knowledge and employment; strategies in a new economy; trends of a knowledge-based economy.

204701   Independent Study
Prerequisite : Consent of the School

Research with various methods, i.e., documentary study, interview, observation, institutional research, development and invention. The selected topic is under the supervision of the independent study advisor.

204 702  Thesis
Prerequisite : Consent of the School

Research for the master’s thesis
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